11/05/2024 - 06:00 to 12/05/2024 - 23:30
We would like to offer you a new and fantastic trip in which you get to visit more than 4 cities plus the state of San Marino in 2 days!
11/05/2024 - 19:30 to 12/05/2024 - 01:30
If you want to have fun, meet new people, discover new places and drink with ESN Bologna, this is the right event for you!
11/05/2024 - 23:30
Allo Chalet arriva il party più internazionale di Bologna!
15/05/2024 - 19:00
Ogni Giovedì estivo l’appuntamento fisso è WoopXCiao!
18/05/2024 - 06:00 to 23:00
ESN è lieta di proporvi un evento culturale davvero interessante: il viaggio alle Cinque Terre!
23/05/2024 - 18:00 to 28/05/2024 - 13:00
The event of all events, the pride of ESN, what will make your Erasmus UNIQUE, what will make your Erasmus TRUE!
25/05/2024 - 08:30 to 21:00
One day and one night at the beach with ESN! The best way to have fun with all the Erasmus students: JUST 5€!
